|-正在发送CSR.. |-正在下载证书.. Traceback (most recent call last): File "class/acme_v2.py", line 753, in save_cert self.sub_all_cert(key_file, pem_file) File "class/acme_v2.py", line 775, in sub_all_cert if to_cert_init['issuer'] != cert_init['issuer'] and to_cert_init['issuer'].find("Let's Encrypt") == -1: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find' |-申请成功,正在部署到站点.. 对域名签发证书的提示如上,google了一圈,找到了类似解决办法 看似成功实际上根本就没有成功。 于是定位到 …… -
错误代码: 0x80041017 – repair the WMI windows10
Type “command prompt” in the Start Search and right click on Command Prompt from the search results and then select “Run as administrator”. After opening Command Prompt with admin privileges, type and enter this command: winmmgmt /salvagerepository The command you entered is used when the winmmgmt command performs a consistency check. So if an inconsistency is detected, it will rebuilt the repository. Next, execute this command to see if the WMI repository now comes back as consistent: winm……