
  • 升级avconv使youtube-dl在ubuntu 12.04上正常运行

    升级avconv使youtube-dl在ubuntu 12.04上正常运行

    起因:youtube-dl合并音视频的时候提示如下错误 WARNING: Your copy of avconv is outdated, update avconv to version 10-0 or newer if you encounter any errors. 故:升级avconv 1.) Make a directory avconv-source mkdir avconv-source 2.) Download and install the x264 library cd ~/avconv-source git clone git://git.videolan.org/x264.git x264 cd x264 sudo ./configure --enable-static sudo make sudo make install 3.) Download the avconv source cd ~/avconv-source git clone git://git.libav.org/libav.git avcon……
    Jays 2015-01-05
  • 密码保护:阳明山MV —— web-dl.1080p

    密码保护:阳明山MV —— web-dl.1080p

    Jays 2014-12-26
  • 搬瓦工Centos6.X编译安装最新版FFmpeg


    最近找到一个新玩具,需要用到FFmpeg,找了好多方法在我的Centos上,都没有成功.最后找到下面的内容,特此记录一下! 0、首先检查VPS所用的系统是否为CentOS 6.X // Check you system CentOS version cat /etc/redhat-release 1、添加rpm repo , 并检测一下更新 // Install the additional repo&Update repository rpm -Uhv http://pkgs.repoforge.org/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.5.3-1.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm yum -y update PS:上面的URL可以打开:http://pkgs.repoforge.org/rpmforge-release/查看最新版,并修改为最新版 2……
    Jays 2014-12-20
  • CentOS/Ubuntu/Debian安装vnstat


    vnstat是一个基于命令行的Linux系统流量监控工具。 官网:http://humdi.net/vnstat/ 测试环境:centos6.5 x86 1、安装vnstat cd /tmp wget http://humdi.net/vnstat/vnstat-1.12.tar.gz tar -zxvf vnstat-1.12.tar.gz cd vnstat-1.12 make make install 2、通过ifconfig查看网卡名称,生成数据库 vnstat -u -i eth0 // eth0为你要监控的网卡,具体请根据ifconfig情况调整 3、自启动更新数据 vnstatd -d cd /etc/init.d wget http://humdi.net/vnstat/init.d/redhat/vnstat chmod +x vnstat chkconfig --add vnstat chkconfig vnstat on se……
    Jays 2014-12-20
  • 后会无期 OST

    后会无期 OST

    [hermit auto="0" loop="0" unexpand="0"]songlist#:1773340641,1773346501,1773304328[/hermit]
    Jays 2014-12-18
  • Buffalo LS-WVL 编译 aria2

    Buffalo LS-WVL 编译 aria2

    (Install Optware) ipkg install gcc make ipkg install gnutls zlib c-ares mkdir /mnt/disk1/share/aria cd /mnt/disk1/share/aria wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/aria2/files/stable/aria2-1.16.4/aria2-1.16.4.tar.bz2/download tar xvfj *.bz2 cd aria2-1.16.4 ./configure --with-libgcrypt-prefix Unfortunately, not all dependencies are met. Leider werden nicht alle Abhängigkeiten erfüllt. configure: summary of build options: version: 0.1.1 shared 0:0:0 Host type: armv5tel-unknown-linux-gnuea……
    Jays 2014-12-18
  • Ghost Blog Resetting your Ghost Blog password

    Ghost Blog Resetting your Ghost Blog password

    Didn’t set up Mailgun in your Ghost blog, and lost your password? Hmm. A little bit of fancy-footwork, and we can be back up and running in no time. You’ll need to reset the password in the SQLite DB by manually inserting a new hash into the DB. Get access to your DB from the console, or through a gui tool if you have it. If you are going through the console, CD to your ghost webroot, (the DB is under content/data/) and then type: sqlite3 ghost.db Generate a temporary BCrypt hash (Find a gener……
    Jays 2014-12-17
  • ERROR: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.14′ not found

    ERROR: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.14′ not found

    debian 运行 ghost 或者 shadowsocks 出现 ERROR: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.14' not found 这个问题是由于debian软件中心上libc的最高版本为2.13所致,更新libc版本即可。 具体步骤为: echo "deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian sid main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list apt-get update apt-get -t sid install libc6 libc6-dev libc6-dbg 参考:http://www.v2ex.com/t/136721
    Jays 2014-12-11
  • Debian 安装 nodejs 环境

    Debian 安装 nodejs 环境

    1、安装编译包 sudo apt-get install python g++ make checkinstall 2、 获取最新的 node 源码 mkdir ~/src && cd ~/src wget -N http://nodejs.org/dist/v0.10.4/node-v0.10.4.tar.gz // 最新版ghost博客,最低要求0.10.4 tar xzvf node-v0.10.4.tar.gz && cd node-v* 3、配置编译源码 ./configure sudo checkinstall 注意,运行 checkinstall 需要 sudo,之后选择 3,将 node 的版本号前的 v 去掉, 例如,这里安装的版本为 v0.10.4,改为 0.10.4 即可。 这里编译会比较久,需要耐心等待. 4、 安装(-i)和卸载(-r) ……
    Jays 2014-12-11